Upon placing an order for any of our services your payment will firsty go through a fraud check which will determine if your payment appears to be a risk. Once your payment has passed the fraud check then your order would be setup automatically by our automation systems. Upon completion of the setup, you would then receive an email from us with your login credentials.
We do ask that you remain patient in this process, and we are unfortunately unable to give you an accurate timescale on the processing of your fraud check although we can say that on average, payments are processed within 10 minutes of making the payment. Setup of your service is also an average tiemscale of 10 minutes. (Please understand that these timescales are just guidelines and can vary up to 48 hours)
During the processing of your payment, you are eligible for a refund on all services. (You must open a ticket with the billing department before the setup of your services. Any refund requests which are received after your service is delivered will be according to our terms of service)
Thank you for reading!
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